Monday, March 30, 2009

Lim Hwee Hua promoted on merit, not because of gender. 
 'It's just the way things turn out, particularly in politics, that there are more men than women.'
PM Lee

Do you accept the explanation of PM Lee regarding the dearth of female minister in our Singapore cabinet?  Why do you think there are fewer women in politics?  


  1. Perhaps it is precisely because there have been few women in politics that there are few women in politics today. With political roles in the past and present being pursued predominantly by males, it may be discouraging to the young female to even consider pursuing a career in politics, as certain political roles may be incorrectly assumed to be 'male' occupations. (The engineering profession would be a similar example.) This, of course, would put us in a vicious cycle.
    If the above is false, and there are indeed as many women as there are men that wish to pursue occupations in politics, then maybe it is the public that is to blame. Perhaps it is because the -public- have not familiarised themselves with a female politician that they are less likely to elect a female politician. Hence resulting in another vicious cycle, fueled by the same reason.
    Another possibility would be the domestic role that women traditionally play in the household. In a family, it is more common that the woman supports the family from the inside than from the outside. (Note: This is not what I think is the best way, and I am merely stating that which is common.) (I mention this to prevent feministic anger towards myself.) (Woo.) With this 'system', a male would support his family by keeping his job while a woman would be given less chance to focus on her occupation.

    And there are my suggested reasons.
    Alexander, 0927

  2. Thank you, Alexander for being the first to respond to this post. Do you think Singapore would be a better place to live in if more women were involved in the governing of the country? Would you like to consider some ways in which society can encourage more women participation.

  3. Well, it has been shown that women and men do think differently (Men have more 'gray matter' whereas women have more 'white matter' in their brains.) than men on a biological scale. I figure that more women in government would thus create a wider perspective on the government's part. The more sides you have to an argument, the more wholesome the solution turns out to be.

    Furthermore, the increase in female politicians could reverse the problems in my earlier post. Politics would be less regarded as a traditionally male arena, and more women would aim for a career in politics. This would made the government more dynamic as there is a wider diversity of people in government.
    Take MP Denise Phua for example. It is because of her that MOE plays a more active role in special education today. She also co-founded Pathlight School, Singapore's first special school for autistic children. Without her, Singapore's government would be wasting the potential of our autistic citizens. This would have been unfortunate considering that Singapore's most important resource is her people. Perhaps the government indeed needs a female 'touch'.
    Alexander, 0927

  4. I think the reason why there are fewer women in politics is because in the past, most women are kept within the house and the kitchen. Traditionally, women were supposed to stay at home to take care of the family and bear more children. On top of that, most women were not educated.
    Now, times have changed. women are no longer restricted to the kitchen. Women are educated and can occupy high postions in companies. Women can do as well as, or even better than men. However, there are still some jobs that people feel that men can perform better than women. That is because it has also been the men that is doing those jobs. Perhaps after a few female minister is elected into the cabinet, Singaporeans will realise that "hey, female politicians can do just as well, or even better!"
    I think it takes time to change people's mindset. "action speaks louder than words" After people see that female politicians can do well too, they will accept more female politicians. On top of that, the fact that there is female minister in our Singapore cabinet means that we are open to having female ministers in our government. That is a good start.

    Hui Ming 0919

  5. I enjoy 'hearing' your views, Alexander and Hui Ming. You may want to go to this site to find out more about some of the most powerful women in the world today.

  6. Increasingly, females have been taking up greater responsibilities otherwise only undertaken by men.

    Like what Hui Ming said, in the past, women are kept within the house and the kitchen. In other words, they are the de facto 'Minister of Home Affairs'. 'home' literally means home.

    But now, looking at women like the late Benazir Bhutto, Aung San Suu Kyi, Gloria Arroyo, Megawati, Hillary Clinton and Singapore's very own Ho Ching, they have really highlighted the class and wisdom female possess. This increases competitiveness to keep the male on their toes.

    Politics is regarded by many as 'unhealthy' as it makes people do things against their scruples sometimes. It is really not the path for people who are generally on the soft side. Females, widely regarded as the more gentle half of the two genders, tends to lose out in the poltical 'battleground'. Politics also do not appeal to most females. Many of them are more concerned in making money than taking care of the welfae of the nation.

    It heartens me to see that there is an increasing number of females joining politics. They are probably able to give their valuable insights which males might overlook. Hence, more balanced and holistic policies could be made.

    Well, guys, we should pull our socks up, or the future 'Minister of Home Affairs' will be us! Beware!

  7. Oh! and I forgot to sign off.- Hioe William 0919

  8. William, I think that would be a refreshing change.

  9. I think that the reason why there are more male politics than female politics is due to the way things had been in the past.
    In the past, males tend to go out to work while the females stay at home and do things that are considered simple and relatively easy, such as looking after the kids and doing household chores.
    As a result, females are seen as being less capable than males. Hence, until today, people still have the same mentality that females are not as good as males, thus the smaller number of females in politics.
    However, things seem to be taking a turn now. With more females having positions in the politics, the number of females in politics in the upcoming years may increase.
