Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Graffiti Wall for MRP

Just grab your keyboard and type in a short response to either one or both the questions.

1.  What is one thing you learned while doing your MRP?

2.  What is one thing you would have done differently if you were to go back in time and do the MRP again?


  1. the MRP is indeed a good way to get us ready to tackle the project work questions as it gives us a platform to exercise our writing skills and understand how to score in areas for A&E and GI. however, i feel that the 1000 words limit for MRP is a little too much, as now i tend to exit the 500 words limit for the project work PI. which is indeed very troublesome to keep summarizing my work.

  2. I have not yet received my marked MRP, though I would like to say that a wordcount minimum should be made instead of a wordcount maximum. Though I agree the word limit gives us practice in summarizing points when we have too many words, not everything can be summarised and still keep the intended message.

  3. My answer to question one would be the ways to gather information as well as sieving through them to find critical and reliable ones. For the 2nd question, I would have put more effort in printing out the relevant articles, I'll also try to find more ideas instead of quoting too much from the sources.

  4. Oops, sorry forgot to say I'm John.

  5. Ans to Qn2: i would be focus on few strong points and give indept explantions on them rather than passing up a MRP with breath but no depth, causing me to score badly.

  6. I have learned more about the current political situation in Russia and Eastern Europe,and this MRP would really help me not just to understand the policies being made in that region,but also to appreciate the considerations that have to be made before those decisions. If I were to go back in time,I would like to reduce the number of words for a certain point,because now then do I realise that the extra words are redundant and unnecessary.-Ong Wei Hong,0924

  7. I have learned more about the tainted milk incident and its consequences in China. It had prepared me for the preliminary idea required in project work. If i could go back in time, i would give a deeper view of the incident and take out unnecessary information. From Jeya, 0927

  8. I have learned that it is very crucial to make full use of time because my MRP was done in the last minute, and it is very important to talk about the main points rather than to just compile all the information into the essay. If I could go back in time to do the MRP again, I would seek more advice and make sure that I'm sure about what to write before plunging into it.

  9. I felt that MRP was actually very helpful for our PI as it had really prepared us in considering all possibilities from various perspectives and information collecting. If i could re-do my MRP, i would try spending more time in finding more relevant sources to support my research and substantiate my points.

  10. The mrp has thought me how to gather information from a wide range of sources in the internet and i have leanrt to be critical, expressing my thoughts and view better. If i were to go back in time, i would do very much exactly the same thing besides to explain my causes in a better manner.
    Sim Liyan of 0924.

  11. The mrp has taught me a more efficient way of searching for information, and better way of expressing myself. It also helps when i do my PI for project work. If I could do the mrp again, I would start researching earlier to find more and convincing information, i would also want to construct my essay in a better way.

  12. I learnt that all relevant information should be scanned through first before starting to type out the essay. I should fully understand the whole topic first. If there is one thing that I would have done differently, I will spend more time on choosing the most suitable topic.

  13. Aye Myat Mon (0927)April 11, 2009 at 7:38 PM

    While doing my MRP, I learned the situation about the topic in more detail and deeper depth. I think doing MRP helps me to become more resourceful. It is also helpful in doing project work and researches. If I were to go back in time and do the MRP again, I would have spent more time on collating informations. I also would have given more and better insights about the topic.

  14. I think that doing the MRP has helped me in doing researches. I learnt how how to collect and compare data and information from a wide variety of sources and fishing out only those that i need. If i could go back in time to do my MRP again, i would have chose to complete it a least 2 or 3 days in advance which leaves me time for checking and editing instead of rushing it the night before and handing in a sub-standard piece of work.

  15. Doing the MRP has taught me that every incidents and situations requires detailed analysis and personal opinions in order to fully understand the various events. Hence, its important to make full use of the information given and give an critical analysis of my own. If i could turn back the time, i would analyse the situation more critically and give a balanced opinion rather than sub-standard work.

  16. Throughout the process of completing my MRP, I had gained more information and understanding on the topic I'm researching on. However, I also realised that plain research with little personal analysis is purely a collated piece of information. Thus, if I were to go back in time, I would definitely remove the extra descriptions and place more emphasis on my own thoughts and reflctions.

  17. For the 1st question, i feel that the MRP has given us the interest to research for knowledge and understand what the situation is about, this will help us in our JC life as it requires us to do a lot of researching.
    For the 2nd question, i would have given more A&E instead of giving more facts and statistics.

  18. Through the process of doing the MRP, I have learnt that it is important to winnow crucial information from all the data collated. This would ensure an easier expression of ideas and allows the development of opinions on the issue. With the riddance of inept information, it would be easier to compose a good MRP.

  19. I have learn how to collect information from an array of sources and pick out the important one and give my views about it. Also, I learn how to analyze the information and evaluate it. If I were to go back in time, I would organize my writings more carefully.
    Jia Wei 0924

  20. From my MRP which is based on the China tainted milk scandal, I learnt that business ethics and social morality are very important aspects of food production process because many people’s lives will be at stake if things go haywire. Consumers’ well-being should always be the main priority in the food and beverage industries.
    If I were to go back in time, I would take a direct approach in tightening my organization of ideas and linking paragraphs more effectively to ensure that the presentation was clear and not in disarray.
    Elton Foo (0924)

  21. While doing my MRP, i learnt that it is critical to understand the background of the coutnries and communities involved before actually attempting to write the MRP. The Georgian War was my significant event.It required me to read up about the history about the various european countries as the trigger factor of the war was linked to the various events that happened previously. Although I didn't like the inclusion of a word limit, I would admit that it is necessary as it forces us to link up our points and organise our paper properly.

    Marion Yong

  22. While doing my MRP, which is about the Sichuan earthquake, i have learnt how to gather information from a variety of different sources. Reliability is very important whenever i am gathering information.I have learn how to organise my information more properly, portraying more evaluation skills rather than just showing raw data that i have obtained from my sources. If i were to go back in time,i would spend more time analysing the information rather than spending most of my time finding additional infomation. I hope that i am able to learn from this assignment so that i will be able to complete my future assignments more efficiently.
    Kelmond Tan(0924)

  23. Answering question 2, if i could go back in time and do the mrp again, i would elaborate on the significance and also elaborate on the information and points rather than just presenting. weikee 0924

  24. One thing that I have learnt while doing my MRP is to be able to pick out important points from the huge varuety of sources gathered. Sources about Sichuan earthquake can be found almost everywhere on the internet with just a click on the mouse. However, i have learnt how to extract important information that i have read from the sources and out them into my MRP instead of just putting in information that may not be that relevant and important.
    If I had a chance to go back in time, I would want to generate more ideas in which the situation in Sichuan after that earthquake could have been handled more efficiently and effectively.

  25. During the period of time that i was doing the MRP, i've found that research isn't as easy as i thought it would be. Information isn't that easy to find, neither may it be accurate. Even after finding any information, much processing is required before it is able to be put to use. This thus becomes a very tedious process, which was totally different from what i once thought. Finding pages and pages of information from many different sites may not be as good as finding just sufficient information from maybe, lets say 5 sites each specialising in different areas of the topic. Why? Because information may be repeated. This was one very big problem i encountered in the midst of my MRP's completion. It's not the amount of raw data that provides one with the ability to do a project well, it's the type and quality of information that one obtains, and also how one processes the data.

    If i ever had the chance to go back, i would say that i probably would have started research sooner. Not only so that i would be able to gather more information, but also so that i can ensure that the information is compiled in an efficient and orderly fashion, making it easier to look for repetitive or irrelevant areas.

    Brendon Ong

  26. First question, one thing I learned from doing the MRP is the importance of selecting information from different sources. With such a vast collection of information on the Internet, it is crucial to be able to recognize information that are relevant, to avoid writing out of point. Second question, if I were to do the MRP again, I would definitely work on my paragraphing. With so much information on hand, instead of just plainly listing the points, I could have organized and provided brief explanations on them.
    Kenneth 0927.

  27. Second question.
    I think that i should have included more statistics and facts when i did my MRP. I should have put in more effort in sorting out my data and not just copy and paste.
    Shensong 0927

  28. I learnt that just getting the information from the various sources is not enough. I need to filter the information and make sure that what i write is relevant. The MRP is also a great help for my PI because I know the skills needed when writing essays and sourcing for information. Through the MRP, I learnt more about the incident I was doing on and I realised the importance of know what is happening in countries outside Singapore.

    If I were to do my MRP again, I would start the MRP earlier and have more detailed information. I would also increase the scope of research for my MRP so that it would be more engaging and relevant.

  29. I've learnt to gather information and tried to use the information as effective as possible to construct my answer to a particular question.
    I would have read more articles to balance my essay and try to spend more time to focus on one point to elaborate.

  30. The MRP serves as a good piece of practise for us as we will be exposed to more of such projects as we go on to the University. From this MRP, I learnt that I should not procrastinate and plan my time efficiently. If I were to go back in time, I will plan my time well and do ample research on my MRP.

  31. I have learned that the security of a country depends on both the government and its people. Everyone has a part to play in combating against terrorism. People should not be complacent as terrorist attack can occur anytime. Moreover, countries should always stay alert and be well-prepared for any terrorism attack.
    If i were to do my MRP again, i would just focus on the main points and not the unnecessary points.

  32. Things I've learnt:
    -a great deal about oil supply
    -how to use Newslink and the other resources available from nyjc
    -that a lot of time is needed for an effective paper.
    -research is not as simple, or fast, as I thought it would be.
    -that a research paper is not just a report. Apparently.

    What I would go back and do:
    -start earlier! Way earlier!
    -revise and restructure/organise my paper a bit more
    -choose an event that did not quite occur throughout the course of the year
    -make more statements than pose questions in my paper

    Alexander, 0927

  33. while doing research for my MRP, i found this article and the video of this china girl that actually insulted her fellow citizens for making a big fuss over the sichuan earthquake, commenting that its a good thing that this happened to them, after which i suppose she was severly dealt with. From this, i learnt that one should be more sensitive to situations happening around, unlike her, and also that we should think twice of the consequences before we make any decisions.From the even itself, i learnt that people should help one another to get out of any crisis in a more supportive and effective way.

  34. Generally, i learn more information about the topic(china milk scandal) and the impact, consequences, etc. Most importantly, how 'dirty' China (no offences) can get in order to cover up scandals that would affect the olympic causing her citizens ultimately, to suffer the most. (I believe that the basic of a country is the citizens and that the citizens should be placed in first place above any other) I learnt to evaluate, analyse, express my thoughts and feelings after gathering all the informations.

    If i could do it again, i would present my MRP in a more organised way, clearly showing where the impacts and causes are. Instead of lumping them all together.
    Tracy Teo 0924

  35. I learned how to collect and analyze data,and how to assert my opinion with clear explanation and appropriate vocabularies. Moreover, I also acquire detailed knowledge of North Korea, for instance, how North Korea is handling their nuclear facilities globally. It was a great opportunity for me to develop the research skills as well as to know my weak points. If I can go back in time and do my MRP again, I will emphasize the overall situation clearly and suggest some strategies that North Korea should be developed as well as asserting my opinion about the situation with my own perspectives. The most important part is that I also enjoyed doing this MRP, and learned lots of things,

    Lim Subin ( 0924)

  36. As this is our first time working on a project, it was quite unspecific on what we are suppose to do. The main reason for me to do badly is because i did not organise my MRP which led to the failure of my results. Overall, it was a good way to allow us students to have a better understanding on certain recent events, so as to help us in our GP.

  37. Lee Zheng Dao (0927)April 12, 2009 at 10:33 PM

    1.I have learnt to look through the requirements of the question more throughly before answering it.
    2.I would have been more careful in planning my essay and would have checked the essay against the question requirements before sumbitting it.

  38. I have learnt that a good task takes time and patience to be done. If I had more time I'd have done more research and come up with more ideas to back up my stand. Also I can think of more future implications in which it might be true in the soon to come. It is also a good experience which will aid in my PW SKILLS.

  39. While doing the MRP, I managed to brush up my research skills. This enables me to source for reliable information through the net for my research topic. If I had a chance to go back in time, I would want to make a better attempt to organise my research information so as to the reader a focus.

    Felicia Choo

  40. 1. While doing the mrp, I have learnt that making a unbiased conclusion is actually not that easy based on the articles I have. Alot of researches needs to be done so that you will be able to get a clearer picture of the whole incident. If not, the conclusion/summary given will tend to be biased to one side.

    2. If I can redo my MRP i will want to do more researches first before deciding on the topic I want to do about so that I can write out a better MRP.

  41. huseyn jaya wirawanApril 13, 2009 at 7:30 AM

    there is no such thing as last-minute-research. i didnt back up my explanation statements with enough facts. thus, its more like doing composition rather than doing research. consistent efforts to browse internet and doing research would be the solution to do well for the MRP

    huseyn 0927

  42. While doing my MRP i learned that, sources were important not only to our project but also improtant to our daily life. You need the researching skills to help u gather informations and solved the problem. Another thing I think is that doing the MRP research is not enough to come out with a good piece of work thinking skill also very important to us, at lease we need to have the ability to clearify the usefulness or reliability of the sources that we reference to , and ability to think and link i think if i am going to do the MRP again this will be the area i'm going to improve.

    Cui yuxi 0924

  43. i have learnt many things through the process of doing the MRP. i learnt that the government plays a big part whenever a disaster hit, and the success and effectiveness by which rescue efforts can be carried out all depends on the way the government respond to the situation.

    i have also learnt ways to find credible research for my MRP, and the importance to give examples in order to support my statement.

    in addition, i have learnt how to apply A&E and GOI into my work, which is an essential component of project work.

    also, i've learnt that a good MRP cannot be done over night. it should be done, and reviewed over and over in order to produce a good piece of work.

    cheng mun (0919)

  44. Q1:
    While doing my project on the torch-relay incident of the Beijing Olympics, I have learned that the Olympics is not just an international event that takes place every four years, but more about a platform for different countries to gather and receive cultural exchange. The five intertwined rings of the Olympic rings symbol represent the unity of the five inhabited continents (with the Americas regarded as a single continent). Therefore, the Olympic Games are all about the harmony of the entire human race, not competitions and disagreements against one another. When disagreements among different parties surfaced, the extent of protesting may thereby get inevitably uncontrollable. When this happens, the true values of sports itself will then be the first to be lost.

    I would have tried to focus more, and not just merely listing a few other causes that are not as important as the most significant cause of the incident. The introduction can also be shortened by a large portion, with the removal of much unnecessary background information. Furthermore, I would have tried to cut down the excessive usage of references from external researches. My misconception of having more references would mean a better project has been proven to be a big mistake. Most importantly, I would have tried to improve the general structure and organisation of the whole project, making it more systematic.

    Wang Chao Chao

  45. Specifically to my topic on the Sichuan Earthquake, I learnt how important the role of the government is in times of disasters. I also learnt how an open and accepting community is more likely to benefit as compared to a closed and strict one.

    Generally, while doing my MRP, I learnt how to organise my points and filter out the irrelevant ones as there is a word limit of 1000 words. I also learnt how to research specifically on a topic and how to write about one topic in great details. It trained me to be right to the point, instead of beating around the bush. I believe that these skills can be transferred to Project Work, where the PI requires these skills too.

    If i were allowed to redo my MRP, I would have made my points clearer and decided on my focus earlier.

    Jazlyn 0919

  46. 1. I have learnt how to sieve out information i need and take away infornation i do not need so as to fit my word count. I know how to focus on what I want to say in my essay. And of course, i also know more about the news i have done on, which is the China tainted milk incident.

    2. If i have a chance to redo my MRP, I will reorganise my points more appropriately.

    Hui Ming 0919

  47. 1. While doing my MRP, i've learned much on the oil price hike last year, especially the effectiveness of certain measures imposed by various individuals and organizations.

    2. If given a chance to go back in time and do the MRP again, i would seek more case-studies to support my viewpoints rather than just giving a sweeping statement.

    Tan Shixun, 0924

  48. As i was doing my MRP, i've learned to be more resourceful in searching for more articles to help me in completing my MRP. It also enables me to have a deeper understanding on a certain event that happened last year.
    If i were to go back in time to do my MRP again, i will surely manage my time even better and ensure that my viewpoints in my MRP are fully expressed and organised properly.

    Joanna Ng(: 0924

  49. I have learned that superficial information is not enough, but requires planning, organisation and analysis.

    I would edit my paragraph structure, if I could change one thing, to enable the research paper to be more organised.

    Brandon Ang

  50. doing the MRP made me realise that research is not as easy as it seems.yes, there is a lot of information found on the net, however, i had to figure out the more relevant ones from the irrelevant ones.

    if i were to go back in time to do my MRP, i would probably start earlier so as to have more time to reorganise the infomation used in the MRP.

    zhi yun, 0924

  51. One thing I've learned is that not all information that are researched needs to be included in the 1000 words essay, but only those that are relevant. I've learned how to filter out relevant informations and omitting those which are of less relevant.

    One thing that I would have done it differently is to decide on my topic and focus on it earlier, so that i will hav more than enough time for re-editing and re-organising.

    Daphne Lim

  52. On doing the MRP, i have learnt that doing an essay isn't just about copying and pasting. I have to put in enough time and effort into researching, finding relevant ideas and analysing them.
    If I were able to do the MRP again, i would have organise the points better and go straight to a specific point as i realise my essay didn't have a focus, and points were scattered.

    Jolene (0919) (:

  53. While I was working on my MRP, I realised that I needed much in-depth thinking in order to give my analysis of the chosen event greater detail. I realised the importance of data-mining, a skill which allowed me to uncover otherwise obscure aspects of the event, thus enabling me to view the event from a greater perspective.

    Justina Chiang 0919

  54. From the process of doing my MRP, i learned that we must not only look at the superficial surface of an incident but into the implications as well. By doing so, we can better understand the impact of our incident, in my case, the Tibetan unrest. When we understand the impact, then we will know how significant the event is.

    If i can go back in time and do my MRP, I will try to categorize the implications (e.g. socially, economically ..) so that I can see the full skill impact of my topic.

    Angie 0919

  55. ****
    full scale

    typo error sorry...

    Angie 0919

  56. While doing my MRP, I realized that there was much more to it than just an economical crash in the USA. It was far worse than that. Now, I actually appreciate our system in Singapore(although they messed up on buying the banks).

    Although I got an A, I think there were definately areas that I could improve on in my MRP. I think i could have gave less statistics on the Icelandic bankruptcy, as in the end, I think it sought to prove very little, or to a larger extent, maybe even nothing.

    And maybe, without that clunk of words, it could be used for another point, or further depth instead. And maybe, it could have been an A+.

    Barry Tay 0924

  57. While doing my MRP, I have learnt more about Cyclone Nargis, about the impacts and consequences that arose from it. I have also benefited from using the online research tools such as OVRC and Student Resource Centre. Now I know which webpage to visit when I need articles, for research etc.

    If i had to do my MRP again, I would have better organised my information, to make it more coherent, instead of just placing them in a disorderly manner.

    Samuel Ang (0924)

  58. When I was doing my MRP(about Mumbai terrorists attacks), I learnt that not all sources of information are reliable and are telling the truth. I learnt to identify the reliability of the sources by checking its provenance.Through this MRP I learnt to use research tolls like SRC,OVRC and Economists to search for relevant and reliable information. These will also help me a lot in my PW.

    If I could change the MRP I would have organised my points more clearly and orderly.I could have also started the project earlier so that I could had more time to research on my project and better organised the MRP.


  59. Nicholson Lim (0924)April 21, 2009 at 6:12 AM

    I learnt that, to do a good write- up for mrp, the most important thing is to fully understand the article topeic which I choose. This is a must- have in order to be able to elaborate will on this article.

    Given another chance,i wouldnt write on my current article about the Russian politics, as it has deep unlying meanings which at our age, may have difficulties to grasp the true and full meaning. Meaning; its too complicated.

  60. i learnt how to do an MRP...and of course the subject i did on. better understanding of my topic.

  61. while doing my MRP, i have learnt that reliability is very important. i learnt that no matter where the information came from, be it your our country, you need to question it. there might be bias in the information, therefore we need to stand in a neutral zone. if i do my MRP again, i would spend more time analysing the information i had gotten rather than spending most of the time finding additional infomation.

  62. Through the MRP, I realised that it is important to focus on a specific topic and give more infomation on only that specfic focus. The MRP also taught me the importance of checking with many different sources instead on relying on only one source such as the Internet.

  63. From the MRP, i have learnt how to gather and use the information that we have collected to answer the focus of the question, and that we shoud not just give a superficial, general write up on that topic.
    If given another chance, I would pay more attention to answer the focus of the topic, and to organise the points in a systematic manner.
    jie yang (0919)

  64. The most important thing I have learnt from the MRP was probably to have a postive mindset when doing GP essays. At the start of the MRP, I was at a lost of ideas and actually felt like giving up. It was too tough I felt. But after some research, I got the hang of it and actually managed to produce some result.

    Daniel Lim (0919)

    Another lesson I learnt was the importance of having concrete evidence to support my claim.

  65. One thing I have learnt is the need of extensive reading in order to be well-informed of current events. This is important to develop analysis and evaluation (A & E)

    Eng Zi Feng (0919)

  66. While doing the MRP, learnt to source out relevant details and put them into my essay, which is really a headache, as there was so many articles, and I had to choose which ones to be in my MRP.
    One thing I would have done differently is my paragraphing and development, as my MRP shows no linkages between the paragraphs.
    Toh Ying Ying

  67. From the mrp, i learnt the difference between writing a gp essay and writing a "newspaper article". Also it is important to read widely in order to substantiate claims in writing essays.
    Liu Miao Xian(0919)

  68. While I was doing the MRP, I learnt how to process and synthesize information. For example, whenever I come across a technical term, I will look for alternative explanation in 'layman's term' so that I can understand. I will also question some opinions I encounter in my sources to better understand the reason why he or she is making such opinion and the emotions that come along with it. This will make it easier for readers to understand my point and ensure that I understand the information.

    A research paper I realized, is more than 'copy and paste' information onto your work, which is nothing more than plagiarism. It is utilising your understanding of the topic to condense the information and hopefully derive and innovate something new.

    If i could do my MRP again, I would firstly come up with a general outline of my research paper as I have realised that the one I have done went out of focus. I should also narrow my research scope so that my materials will be related to the main focus of my research paper.

    I would also improve on my writing style as I realised that my writing style is a tad too 'unfriendly'. One way is to read model research papers and observe the way they craft their paper.

    Choice of topics is also very important, I should have given it more thought the previous time round. Politics, as many have realised, is a scene with many complications and often 'multi-faceted'. This makes readers 'read between the lines', which may be difficult for less discerning people.- Hioe William 0919

    KOH KANG LIANG (13) 0919

    Through the MRP, I learnt the importance of having organized research and a clear research question. It would help when collating the information to start drafting the text.

    Should I be able to redo it, I would narrow the scope so as to be more specific as my topic is very wide. I will also improve on the organization of my research by bookmarking every website I found useful and attach short notes to it, to inform myself on the information available.

  70. in addition, if i were able to go back in time and be given a second chance to do my mrp again, i would do a planning for the whole project, hence giving me a clearer outline for the mrp and hence, enabling myself to be able to have a clearer direction for my project.

    in addition, i have realized that the choice of topic is very important as well, as we must choose a topic that has abundance research for us to do and has a scope for us to develop on.

    Cheng Mun (0919)

  71. The MRP is one which allows me to practise gathering reliable information online and processing them. I've gained a considerable amount of knowledge due to the research done, thanks to this assignment. Also, I've realised that it is very important to read widely so as to have ample background knowledge to make processing easier.

    -Lim Jeng Khing 0919

  72. Through the MRP, I realised the importance of having sufficient and relevent research. With them, you will be able to analyse all the informations and choose the better ones to evaluate.

    Also, I learn that it is more important to focus on a few points and be more in-depth rather than widening my scope and include more points.

    `Ng Wee Jie 0919

  73. The MRP allowed me to broaden my knowledge as i searched for suitable topics to start on. It not only gave me a better idea of how writing GP essays will be like but also let me understand the importance of regular reading.

    -Liu Zhi Qun 0919

  74. I now know how to research for information which are reliable and useful. It also allowed me to review and reflect on my writing skills, and also improve them. Through this MRP, i know much more about my topic then i had previously known. I have realized the importance of reading the newspapers widely.

  75. ONG YONG SIANG 0919April 22, 2009 at 9:35 AM

    For the sake of completing the MRP, i had processed information obtained from the Internet, distinguished the good sources from the bad ones.

    The process of accquiring the informtion had to start from what was the topic i was going to research on. After this, i had to think of what sort of information i wanted. using search engines online like google, and online newspapers, i obtained the information, then, i had to sort out which was relevant, and which one was not. this process used up most of my time, as it required reading of the entire passage.

    with the relevant information, i had needed to process the information i have, how do i evaluate what i want, and how i classify under what categories, like implications or consequences. this was one of the major necessary steps, which was really time consuming, but still manageable.

    however, i believe that this is not a really good way of learning on how to do research or how to process the information etc. but, on the other hand, it is actually something most of the people did for the sake of completing it and handing it up. if many people did it simply for the sake for handing it in, then there exists no point in doing this, as even learning points would just fade away if we do not continuosly do research.
    I feel that it is not just doing research once and thats it, which matters, but in actual fact, is that only by doing it regularly, are we really equipped with the skills dealing with researches. hence i find it more of a time consuming experience then a good learning experience for me.

  76. what i have learnt from the issue regarding the tibetan's conflict is that violence is not a rational solution to solving any problems,especially regarding to conflicts between countries. if i could do the mrp again,i would start planning for my writing earlier, so as to gather more information.

  77. I would say that the MRP was a preview to our PI's and GPP's.
    A thing that I've learnt from doing the MRP is that extensive research is needed to justify even the most obvious of claims.
    And I would have definitely done more research and smoothen my layout if I were given a chance to do it again.
